Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Another Type of Safe Chiropractic Technique with Dr. Sam Vella

We often have patients enter our office for their first visit and are either terrified of hearing their spines make a “pop” sound as we perform hands on adjustments, or, they have been injured so seriously and/or have  certain conditions that they need a light force technique or adjustment because their bodies are just not ready to have a manual or hands-on manipulation.   We want our patients to know that at Heavenly Chiropractic we not only provide safe-effective hands on adjustments, but also “light-force” techniques to suit your needs.

Our clinic utilizes a piece of equipment called an “Arthrostim.”   The following paragraphs explain how adjustments work and how we use the Arthrostim to during the adjusment process.


Chiropractic adjustments help stimulate the body to heal itself.  Traditionally, chiropractors have used single high-energy thrusting and pulling movements to adjust areas of the body.  The adjustments sets a series of events into motion…
The adjustments produces precise movements which stimulate ‘neural receptors’ in an area.  These receptors, in turn, produce nerve impulses which relay crucial information to the brain.
The brain depends on this ‘neurological feedback stream’ to update its awareness about an area.  Once the brain evaluates the changes prompted by the adjustment, it issues self-correcting commands to the muscular systems, to bring about healing changes.
Recently, new ways of producing this important neurological feedback stream have been developed.  The ArthroStim Instrument is one of the most effective and comfortable tools for creating this valuable input in an area.

The ArthroStim  Instrument
The ArthroStim Instrument delivers 12-14 incremental thrusts per second.  By dividng the energy of a single thrust into rapid successive inputs, the ArthroStim  Instruments modulates the (peak) force.  This allows your doctor to administer an extremely comfortable, and highly effective, adjustment.

The secret to the instrument’s effectiveness comes from its controlled repetitive input.  This input produces a cumulative “snowballing’ effect on neural receptors.
This permits the ArthroStim   Instrument to create extensive neurological feedback to the brain, using greatly reduced forces.
By utilizing controlled, incremental thrusts, the ArthoStim   Instrument is also able to stimulate specific neural receptors (mechanoreceptors and proprioreceptors) without activating undesirable pain receptors.

The ArthroStim Instrument
The ArthroStim Instrument permits Dr. Vella  to maintain the effectiveness of your adjustment while reducing the amount of force that is applied.  This dynamic combination allows the practioner to comfortably manage a wider range of conditions.

Individuals that may especially benefit from the use of the ArthroStim Instrument include:


Even individuals who are larger and stronger (and may be difficult to adjust with a single thrust) can benefit from the ‘neurological assist’ that the ArthroStim  Instrument provides.

Your Doctor may use the ArthroStim Instrument by itself, or in combination with other adjusting methods, depending on the approach they feel is best for your care.

If you have any questions about the Arthrostim or any of our techniques, make sure to ask Dr. Vella on your first visit.